My ALS Communication Passport to Quality Care is a tool for individuals living with ALS and their families. The 12-page Passport document, which is available in hard copy and online, helps nursing, medical staff and caregivers better understand the care needs and preferences of people living with ALS. For the person diagnosed with ALS, this booklet can serve as a valuable tool to chart important information, including “things you must know about me,” such as allergies, current medications, and sleeping patterns. In addition, there are pages available to note “my likes” and “my dislikes” and to list the names and contact information for physicians and family members. The Communication Passport honors the person living with ALS and gives them control of sharing who they are and how they would like to be treated by others. Conveying this information is especially important if you are unable to verbally communicate. It’s also a useful tool to go over with a hired caregiver to give them a sense of who you are and what your preferences are even if you can communicate verbally. Having all relevant information written down in one place in the Passport has proven to be a convenient resource for both the individual living with ALS and those involved in their care plan. This 20-minute webinar features Les Turner ALS Foundation Services Coordinator Karen Steffens, RN, CHPN, CCM, who will walk you through the Communication Passport, how to fill it out, and when to use the tool. This will be followed by a short conversation between Karen and Rosie Riley, a person living with ALS, who has benefited greatly from filling out the Passport.