We would like to remind and encourage you to register for the virtual ALS Strategic Planning Workshop occurring this week on Wednesday October 26th and Thursday October 27th.
A draft strategic plan of the highest priorities for research that will lead the way to the discovery of effective interventions for the diagnosis, treatment, management, prevention, or cure of ALS is now available to the public. In addition to registering for the event, we invite you to submit your questions and/or comments regarding the strategic plan. Your questions and comments will help shape the final version of the ALS Strategic Plan, to be presented for review by the NINDS Advisory Council in 2023.
If you have any questions about the content of the workshop and/or draft ALS Strategic Plan, please contact: ALSStrategicPlan@ninds.nih.gov
If you have any logistics or technical questions regarding registration and/or the workshop, please contact: jennifer.adona@
Thank you,
NINDS ALS Strategic Planning Steering Committee