We are excited to announce the 2nd annual SIL Golf Outing benefiting the Les Turner ALS Foundation!
Hosted by the Strategic Introduction League (SIL), we are proud to announce that at our inaugural event in 2021, we were able to raise over $3,000 for the Les Turner ALS Foundation. Come show your support this year as we look to shatter that number and raise over $15,000!
This year the golf outing will be limited to only 144 golfers, and we are offering early bird pricing of the following:
$200 single
$800 foursome
Prices will increase on April 1st.
Check in begins at 9am with a shotgun start at 11am. Lunch, drinks, and dinner are included in each ticket price.
There is also an option to support the cause by attending the dinner for $75 and sponsoring a hole for $500.
For more information, please contact Nate at nate@midwestmedicareadvisors.com
or Michael at michael@everactive.net.