ALS TDI Community Conversations

Join Dr. Nadia Sethi, the Director of Community Outreach and Engagement at the ALS Therapy Development Institute (ALS TDI), for this new virtual discussion series. These conversations will provide an overview…

Event Series Mothers of ALS

Mothers of ALS

Carolyn Parrott, whose daughter passed in 2021 after bravely facing bulbar-onset ALS, expressed a longing to connect with other mothers in solidarity. Join Carolyn and our CCALS team in this…

Event Series ALS Office Hours

ALS Office Hours


Who We Are We are a group of caring people with various lived experiences with ALS, and professional expertise in the field of ALS. We understand the challenges associated with…

ALS TDI Town Hall

Learn How ALS TDI is Partnering with Unite Genomics to Expand the ARC Study Led by ALS TDI and Unite Genomics Wednesday, August 9, 2023 | 3:00 - 4:00pm EDT…

Trauma Healing

August 9 7:00pm ET with Julie Brown Yau, PhD Our own Trauma & Spiritual Care Liaison, Julie Yau, Ph.D., SEP, will be hosting a monthly gathering for our community focused…

Event Series ALS Office Hours

ALS Office Hours


Who We Are We are a group of caring people with various lived experiences with ALS, and professional expertise in the field of ALS. We understand the challenges associated with…

Event Series Chicagoland Support Group

Chicagoland Support Group


Meets the Third Tuesday of each month from 1 – 2:30pm Facilitator: Anne Lidsky, PhD Visit: to sign up. *Meetings will be held over Zoom and a Zoom invitation will be…

Event Series Men of ALS

Men of ALS

2:00pm ET Enjoy the connection and unique perspective of other men living with ALS, male caregivers of persons living with ALS, sons of those with ALS, or any man touched…

Event Series Women of ALS

Women of ALS

3:00pm ET Enjoy the connection and unique perspective of other women living with ALS, female caregivers of persons living with ALS, daughters of those with ALS, or any woman touched…

Event Series ALS Office Hours

ALS Office Hours


Who We Are We are a group of caring people with various lived experiences with ALS, and professional expertise in the field of ALS. We understand the challenges associated with…

Falmouth Road Race

Falmouth Road Race Sunday, August 20 Lace up your sneakers and get ready to run the Falmouth Road Race with CCALS on August 20th! The seven mile course kicks off…